I am a man, It's my fault, I don't know how to behave! #MeToo

I have been keenly observing the #MeToo movement since past two-three weeks. Some people are raising question, some are answering them while some have remained silent. While this discussion is going on the streets of hollywood, bollywood, world Politics and Indian Politics. I think I have a better explanation to this misogyny.
“I am a man, it’s my fault, I don’t know how to behave, because nobody taught me to”. I was taught to be in power, to dominate my surroundings and try to conquer everything and everyone around me. When I was in school, I was told to “Not to cry like a girl, and be a Man”. When I was treated like a prince in my house, I saw my mother teaching my sister to care, nurture and to be humble in every situation. It was never about the gender, I was never gender biased. When I was in school I was out there bullying the weaker children of my age. When I reached adolescence I started dominating my whole family. When I grew up to be an adult, I saw people with more power and money and a bigger stature than me. It was then that I started looking for a weaker set of people to overcome the hunger of power and to display dominance.
                What you as a society failed to understand is that I was never able to molest, harass or physically assault any woman who was more powerful than me in terms of money, name or fame. As I already told you that, I was never gender biased. When I was a part of the Upper Caste in the society, I started violating the human rights of Dalits (a suppressed category in Indian Society). When I became rich, I started treating the poor as stray dogs. When I became a politician, I suppressed people who were not in power. When I was in the majority I snatched away the rights of minority.
                When you turn the pages of history you can find me everywhere. You’ll find me in the dark era of British Colonialism. You’ll find me in the holocaust dictated by Hitler, where I killed, suppressed, molested and raped over 6 million weaker people. I am the one responsible for massacre in Japan. I am the one who is still killing humanity to conquer over the Syrian land by dominance. I will be the reason behind the end of this civilisation sooner or later.

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