Right after the Air Strike on the terrorist camps by the Indian Air Force early in the morning on 26th February, the tensions between the two Nations was obviously destined to pace up. At 9:45 AM on 27th February Pakistan Air Force deployed 3 fighters towards LOC as a symbol of retaliation against the earlier airstrike in Pak-occupied region. While a total of 12 PAF jets including 3 F-16s, a few French Mirages, and some JF-17s were also present to further support the mission.
Three fourth generation F-16 fighter jets of PAF were caught on radar by the Airborne Warning And Control System (AWAC). As soon as the signals showed the Jets hovering around the LOC, the Indian fighter jets from Avantipore, Srinagar and various other airbases scrambled.
The Mig-21 piloted by Wg Cdr Abhinandan Varthaman was at that point of time the closest to the three F-16s. The three F-16 were already in the Indian Airspace and a few Mig-21s were trying to lock them down. Just at that moment two of the F-16s were seen getting back into the territory of Pakistan. When the third F-16 was flying at a height of 9000ft Wing Commander Abhinandan had locked on the F-16. The Second Generation Indian Fighter Jet was at a height of 15000 ft and Wg Cdr Abhinandan started to dive to get a better shot while the F-16 went for the evasive measures. The F-16 started to steeply climb up and now was at height of 26000ft.
The skillful Indian Pilot Wg Cdr Abhinandan had by now skillfully managed to place himself at the best suitable angle of 60 degrees behind the PAF jet in order to maximize the impact. The Vympel R-73 (Russian made Missile) was shot and it hit the F-16. The wingman of the F-16 came into the picture and hit the Indian Fighter Jet. Air Traffic Control didn't receive any signal from the Mig-21 after that. The whole air-battle lasted only for 90 seconds. The Mig-21 was down but with it, the fourth generation fighter F-16 was down as well. Though the second generation Indian Fighter had fallen in the battlefield it had done the damage beyond anyone's expectations.